With a strong presence throughout the state and through the grassroots efforts of our members, the S.C. Farm Bureau has made a difference at the State House.
What is the Friends of Farm Bureau Political Action Committee?
As the voice of agriculture, the S.C. Farm Bureau Federation members authorized, through its voting delegates, the creation of a state Political Action Committee, in order to advocate on behalf of our members to make sure lawmakers understood the impact of their decisions when enacting legislation affecting farmers in South Carolina.
The Friends of Farm Bureau PAC enables our members to support legislators who align with the legislative priorities of the S.C. Farm Bureau. We are one of the strongest agricultural grassroots organizations in S.C. and the PAC is a means for us to have a strong voice in the legislative process.
Without financial support from our members, we cannot support those legislative leaders that support us! We must be part of the legislative process or let others decide our fate. To ensure our farmer’s continue to have a strong presence in legislative activities, our members must be involved in the political process.
One voice in the political process can only go so far, but collectively the voice of the Friends of Farm Bureau PAC can be loud and strong!
For more information, please contact the Administrator for the PAC at (803) 936-4676.