Controlling Wildlife During Planting

A deer

As we approach the upcoming planting season, high input costs, weather and wildlife pressures will challenge farmers and crop production across our state. Where severe or persistent damage occurs, depredation permits may be issued to shoot deer at times other than legal hunting seasons. Request a permit from any South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) Wildlife Management or Law Enforcement office at no cost to the applicant. 

These permits are valid for 30 days and are renewable if additional time is needed to alleviate the problem. As a general rule, lethal control of deer cannot be initiated before consulting the SCDNR, which also may provide technical assistance. 

You must contact the communications center and ask to speak to a local SCDNR Law Enforcement Officer about a deer depredation permit. Call 803-955-4000 to be placed in contact with a local conservation officer in your county. The officer will visit the site to verify crop damage before any permit can be issued.


Phone Number

Region 1 - Clemson


Region 2 - Florence


Region 3 - Columbia


Region 4 - Charleston


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