Now is the time for hunters and landowners to take advantage of the opportunity to improve the quality of the deer herd in South Carolina while reducing crop loss and other damage as a result of over-population.
Here are some easy steps to maximize your impact:
- Purchase at least three antlered deer tags in order to receive two antler-less tags. Remember: Antler-less tags may be used any day in all game zones starting October 1st!
- Hunters can purchase up to an additional four antlerless tags for $5 each. With the purchase of four tags, South Carolina DNR is offering two bonus antler-less tags at no additional cost.
- These changes allow up to eight antler-less deer to be harvested leading to better deer herd management.
- If you participate in the quota program, it is essential to use all tags issued and to report to SCDNR the number of tags used.
To order tags by phone, call 1-866-714-3611. (Note: There is a $3.00 surcharge for the phone service.)
To order tags online, click here. Simply follow the instructions as if you were purchasing a hunting license and there will be an option near the end to purchase "Individual Antler-less Deer Tags." (Note: There is a $3.00 surcharge for the internet service.)