
State agencies offer resources for those impacted by Hurricane Helene

Clemson News

As flooding and power outages persist in the wake of Hurricane Helene, officials are urging agricultural producers and industry stakeholders to contact their specific county emergency management officials for guidance regarding the storm’s impacts. A list of county contacts can be found here.

Clemson University, South...

The Smiling Chef Mike Ellis Takes Home Top Honors at Palmetto Palate

The Smiling Chef Mike Ellis

The Palmetto Palate was back again for the 15th year to showcase the best in the South Carolina food scene. Mike Ellis, The Smiling Chef, was named the 2024 Top Chef by a panel of judges at the South Carolina Farm Bureau Federation’s annual event on Thursday, July 18 at the South Carolina State Museum. Ellis was among...

SC Farm Bureau Youth Go for Gold at Leadership Conference

2024 Youth Leadership Conference

Forty-four rising high school juniors and seniors from across South Carolina recently participated in the South Carolina Farm Bureau Federation’s 2024 Youth Leadership Conference at the Governor’s School for Agriculture at John de la Howe in McCormick. 

Held from June 23 – 26, the conference enabled students to gain...

South Carolina Farm Bureau Grain Elevator Breaks Ground for Expansion

The South Carolina Farm Bureau Marketing Association Grain Elevator broke ground today on a multimillion-dollar expansion that will nearly double its grain storage capacity and add new office and warehouse space. The project is a partnership through the Growing Agribusiness Fund administered by the South Carolina...

Mariculture: Farming in the Sea

Stephanie Sox
Bulls Bay Seafood sign

Farming is a labor of love, whether you plant your seeds in the ocean or in the soil.

It’s one of those places that you can’t get to from here; so many great places in South Carolina are like that. Situated off Highway 17, just north of Mount Pleasant sits this sleepy fishing town. The town lines are drawn by borders of...

A Farewell to Arms, A Welcome to Farms

Tom Poland

Note: Since this story was published, the Rutters have relocated to Townville, SC


A classic World War II poster brings to mind Norman Rockwell’s America. A man and woman tend a garden. A boy in coveralls holds a wooden basket overflowing with corn, tomatoes, onions and lettuce. The headline? PLANT A VICTORY GARDEN...

SC Young Farmers and Ranchers Grow as Leaders in Columbia

2024 YF&R Conference - Let's Grow

Over three hundred young farmers, ranchers and ag enthusiasts ages 18-35 years old, met recently for the annual South Carolina Farm Bureau Federation Young Farmers and Ranchers Conference in Columbia. Members from across the state gathered to network, become better leaders in their communities and learn how to overcome...

Gone Hog Wild... or Hogs Gone Wild and Deer too!

Stephanie Sox
Wild hogs
One mid-April morning, Rachael Sharp and her father Don were out checking their recently planted cornfields. “I noticed something looked a little off,” Rachael recalls. “We went on around the curve of the road and the damage was just incredible.”